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Seasonal Reading: My Fall 2018 Reading List + 10 Things on My Fall Bucket List

It should come to you as no surprise that I love fall. With a passion. I love red and orange and browns. I love the cool, crisp air. I love the warm drinks that come with the colder weather. I love the sweaters and boots. I love the smells (spices, pumpkin, etc.). I love the crunch of leaves as I walk through the park. I LOVE FALL.

Do you want to know one of my all-time favorite things about fall? Getting to sit by my window cuddled up with a cup of tea (chai, if you’re wondering) and a big book as I read and watch the leaves change colors.

Say what? The book-nerd (self-proclaimed) likes reading?!?

Well, I do. You want to know another thing I love? Lists. So I’ve combined the two and made a reading list of books that I want to read this fall.

fall reading list

I’ve chosen the books on this list because they have a fall feeling to them (creepy plot, set in fall, cover photo, etc.) or just because they’ve been on my reading list for far too long and fit the bill.

I am setting a couple more intentional goals for this list because I learned from my summer list. 1) I will start reading books off this list (or keep reading some I already started) September 22 and stop this list November 25. For me, any time after Thanksgiving is Christmas season, so I think this is a good time frame even though fall technically goes until December 21. 2) I am making it a goal to read 10 books in this timeframe, which is a little less than 5 books per month. 3) At least half of the books I read this fall need to be books I already own (help knock off some of the books on my Owned but Unread challenge).


So, without further ado, here is my current fall 2018 TBR list:

  1. Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
  2. All the Light We Cannot See by
  3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  4. The Book of M by Peng Shepherd
  5. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
  6. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
  7. Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
  8. The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman
  9. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
  10. TBD (freebie!!)

I would love to hear what books you’re reading in the fall and what you might recommend I read from now until the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Keep checking back for updates 🙂

Now, as I mentioned before, I love fall. And I really am looking forward to all the things that come with fall. So BONUS… 

10 Things on My Fall 2018 Bucket List

  1. Hike to see fall colors in the canyon near my house (seriously, not to brag, but it’s the prettiest!)
  2. Watch scary movies in a living-room fort
  3. Attend a harvest festival (actually doing this one today!)
  4. Go on a road trip (already planned for October!)
  5. Change our my wardrobe (spring-y/summer-y clothes go in the box! and scarves and sweaters make their debut!)
  6. Lots of walks while the weather holds
  7. Make pumpkin desserts!
  8. Go on a coffee date with hubby ❤
  9. Get cozy and read for an entire afternoon!
  10. Give back (donate canned goods and old clothes) and make a thankful list 🙂


Let’s talk!

Are you as excited about fall as I am? What books are on your seasonal reading list? Do you love obsessing over lists for different phases of the year? What is on your fall bucket list?

Until next time…


6 thoughts on “Seasonal Reading: My Fall 2018 Reading List + 10 Things on My Fall Bucket List

  1. I LOVE The Night Circus – I might take that as a reread on our vacation soon! And I love your fall activities list. I want to go leaf peeping and definitely get some hiking and long walks in now that the weather isn’t brutal.

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