Christmas · Lifestyle

Why I Don’t Believe in New Years Resolutions, but Take Part Anyway.

Hello, friend! Sorry that this post is coming to you a little late, but we just got back from our holiday vacation. I hope that you had a great new year and that you are as excited for what’s coming as I am. The new year is such an exciting time! The possibilities truly feel endless. It’s the beginning of 365 unwritten days.

But what makes this one day SO special? Why do we think that we can change everything just because it’s a new year? When I think about it, it seems wrong that the only reason we try to change is because it is a new year. And then the new year gets closer…

And I get excited. The open year seems so inviting, so endless. And I start thinking about the things that I want to accomplish this year. After all, I will graduate from college, Zach will graduate from college, we could be getting our first home, we could get real-world jobs. There is just so much the could happen. So many things that I can MAKE happen.

And so I make my resolutions:

  • I am participating in Yoga with Adriene’s #yogarevolution. This is my third year doing her 31 day youtube yoga and I just can’t get enough. These challenges provide an amazing chance to connect to others and to myself. Overall, a great way to start the new year!
  • I am giving up added sugar. Right now, this is mostly abstaining from the leftover Christmas cookies. My MASSIVE sweet tooth has been the downfall of every diet I have ever even thought about participating in. So I am starting with that. I want to continue this and eventually ween myself off creamer in my coffee and refined carbs. (In addition, I think that cutting fingernails from my diet would also be helpful.)
  • I am going to practice being thankful. I’ve never successfully meditated (I fell asleep the only time I tried), but I just want to purposely take a few moments every day to be thankful. I feel like 2016 was such a negative year. And instead of complaining about what is going wrong I will be thankful for all that is going right.

Let’s chat: Are you making any resolutions this year? What are they? Do you think resolutions are worth the effort or that this one day will not make the difference? 


On a final note, Zach and I have been together for 5 years!


One thought on “Why I Don’t Believe in New Years Resolutions, but Take Part Anyway.

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