Book Talk · Books · Christmas

Thanksgiving Readathon – Wrap Up

Well, that did not go as planned. Also, it went way too fast.

I really did try to read, but between homework, Zach’s family Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, my family Thanksgiving, and writing my proposal it just did not happen. I feel like I knew this was going to happen, but I just couldn’t help myself. It IS the busiest time of the year, after all. But Christmas break is right around the corner (just 8 more days of school!)

I read. I did. I read more than 20 scientific papers (but no one wants to hear about those) and 9 chapters of Beartown (which I am LOVING), so at least I’m not totally down for the count. However, I didn’t accomplish half of what I wanted.

Even though I majorly fell flat on my face, I really loved doing the readathon with Jackie and Ottavia, and I hope they do it again next year (when I will be better at managing my time 😉 )

In addition, because I was so short on my time on the blog last week, I will join with the others who did the #ThanksgivingReadathon and tell you about my favorite family traditions and what I am thankful for this year.

Holiday Traditions

I LOVE Christmas and the entire holiday season!! Have I said that enough yet? Well, it’s true and I love everything that comes with it. One of my favorite things is the time I get to spend with family. So here are my top 8 favorite traditions.

  1. Holiday baking! My sister and I get in the kitchen, listen to all the Christmas music she can handle, and bake yummy things. In the more recent years, I’ve really loved getting to do this with my mother-in-law (only we watch movies while cooking). This year, Anna made tiramisu and crack chips while I made pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, an almond torte, and Dutch letters. (IT WAS CRAZY!)

    The yummy apple pie I made Wednesday!!
  2. DECORATING!! Lights, candles, glitter! Am I right?!? I am working on my apartment as I write this post and it is coming together. I have always been the Christmas lover in our family and the DAY after Thanksgiving I would spend hour dragging boxes up from my parent’s basement and making Christmas puke all over the house. Now that I have my own place, I don’t have as much decorating to do, but I do love every second.20171127_195404
  3. The drinks! Coffee, cocoa, tea, mulled wine, eggnog, you name it, and I LOVE IT! Ever since we started dating(6 years ago in January!), Zach will fill a thermos with hot chocolate and take me to drive around. It’s probably one of my favorite things to do.
  4. The lights! Same as above, really. I love love LOVE all the effort people put into getting their houses ready for the holiday. And I love seeing everything they do, some simple, some all out, it makes my heart so happy. I also just love the fact that this happens when it gets dark at 4:30 – it’s like we’re trying to brighten the night ❤ I really love the display they put up at the Falls, it’s my favorite of all time!
  5. Reading. This comes back around (for me at least) to the hygge idea. This time of year I so love taking my nice hot drink (see #3) and curling up with a blanket to enjoy the season. For this one, you really need a Christmas book! My favorite memory of this comes from last year when my youngest brother-in-law and I sat on the couch all morning, drinking coffee, and reading. We were both in our own little worlds, but we were doing it together. (You don’t need to tell me how cheesy that was, I heard it.)
  6. Chilli on Christmas Eve. I’ve met a few people who follow this tradition, but it has always been one of my FAVORITES! My uncle also makes clam chowder and spends the ENTIRE meal trying to convince everyone else to eat it 🙂
  7. Christmas eve with the McAllister clan and Christmas day at the Erickson house. This is a newer tradition and bound to change as the years go, but for about 4 years now Zach and I have had the privilege of sharing this special holiday with both our families (I am so grateful they live 2 miles apart).
  8. Shopping ❤ This is a new one, and I’m not sure if it counts. But since Zach and I started dating, I’ve been going Black Friday shopping. I never get too wild (no plans here), but I really enjoy the people watching.


What I am Thankful for

In a world that is so difficult, it’s important to take time each year to be thankful for all the wonderful things we have. And I have a lot to be thankful for. (Remember last year when I did a thankful for post EVERY day?)

  1. My family. My husband. My parents. My sisters. My brother. My in-laws. I am so lucky that I have such strong and supportive roots. They pick me up when I’m down, they try (so hard!) to keep up with what I do, and they are always on the other end of the phone when I need them.
  2. Opportunity. I have made it a long way on talent and determination, but I know that I also need to be grateful for the fact that I have the opportunity to be where I am. That my school accepted me, that I live in an amazing place where education is readily available, that I am where I am.
  3. My home. It’s little. Just two bedrooms, but it’s our home. I know it’s still an apartment and that comes with its own challenges, but Zach and I have worked really hard to make this place our home and I love it.
  4. God. I try not to get too preachy on my blog, but I do have to be grateful that we have such a wonderful and forgiving God.
  5. Friends. I don’t know where I would be without the crazy ladies who keep me sane by being just the right kind of crazy.


Let’s talk! Did you try the readathon? How’d you turn out? What are your favorite traditions? What are you thankful for this year?



Look forward to the monthly review later this week and I swear my review of Little Fires Everywhere is coming!


4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Readathon – Wrap Up

  1. I think you did great Molly because you really took time to connect with your friends and family, enjoyed some seasonal traditions (clearly made some delicious looking apple pie) and STILL found time to read. That’s nicely done! I really need to get around to reading Beartown. I can’t get away with finishing 2017 without reading it I think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Thank you 🙂 Even if I didn’t acomplish my goals it was a great way to connect with the book community. So far I am really enjoying Beartown, I ADORE Fredrik Backman’s writing.

      Liked by 1 person

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